Our Blog

Discover useful information and tips on managing your money and safeguarding your financial future through our blog. Foster a healthier relationship with your money and feel more positive about the future. And it’s not just a blog about finances – stay up to date with the latest news from your Credit Union too.

  • How to check your Credit Score for free

    It is very important to be aware of your credit score and to check it regularly. A healthy credit score...
  • Meet Gary: A Member Case Study

    GMB Credit Union was established in 1999, to provide simpler, fairer savings and loans for GMB members and their families....
  • Feel Positive about Saving and Confident about Borrowing

    How you manage your personal finances can either help or hinder you. When you make the right choices about money...
  • Why Our Members Choose Us

    Why choose GMB Credit Union? We asked our members why they choose to manage their finances with GMB Credit Union....
  • We Asked Our Members to Describe Us in 3 Words…

    How can you summarise GMB Credit Union?   What is GMB Credit Union like? We set our members the challenge...
  • How Did Our Members Get Involved with Us?

    How do you get involved with GMB Credit Union?   There are a few ways that people come across our...
  • What Do Our Members like Most about Us?

    What do GMB members like most about our Credit Union? We asked our members what they liked most about being...
  • Meet Dennis: A Member Case Study  

    At GMB Credit Union, our members are at the heart of what we do. Whether we’re introducing a brilliant new...